Foster states he does which prompts Bishop to hand him a codebook and tells him to follow him to the bridge of the ship. Whitehall refuses, stating that Foster had traveled all this way to see Bishop, the pride of Australia, and that he lied about his age in order to get past conscription.īishop unwillingly accepts Whitehall's decision and asks Foster if he knows Morse code. Refusing to accept him as his partner, Bishop asks his commanding officer Whitehall to reassign Foster. Foster then introduces himself as Bishop's new partner. He denies it stating that Frederick Bishop had died, only to be caught in his lie when Foster produces a photo of him. During the voyage to the strait, Bishop is approached by Jack Foster who asks if he really is Frederick Bishop. An experienced and aging soldier, Frederick Bishop was assigned to partake in the Gallipoli landings aboard the steamship River Clyde. You can find an up to date table for APNG support in different browsers at.